Monday, September 19, 2016

2 Weeks!

We leave in just 14 days! It's surreal. We're trying to get all the last minute things done (like going through our hastily thrown together suitcases) while trying to deal with the stress of moving, helping kids adjust, and coming to grips with the inevitable goodbyes. I sat in church yesterday thinking about how much I'm going to miss weekly fellowship and lifegroups. Each of us have our group of "weird people" that love us, take care of us and pray for us. I can't imagine leaving all the support we have here at home! But at the same time, we're all really excited to make new friends. It's a whirlwind of emotions! 

Please pray for us! 

  • Language learning
  • Adjustment to our new culture
  • Spending these last days wisely 
  • Monthly Support - We still need $500/month
We've created an Amazon Wishlist! It's of various things we'll need before going to Chile so that we're able to set up our house when we arrive in Santiago. If you want to help out, we'd really appreciate it! 

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